Sometimes the hardest part about getting out and enjoying date night is simply coming up with a unique idea. Sure, we all enjoy dinner and movie but that ritual tends to feel a little stale after a while, right?
So, Date Night Guide thought it would be fun to inspire you to create your very own Date Night Jar. It’s a great way to shake up your date night routine and add spontaneity. Bonus: The act of making the Date Night Jar can be a crafty at-home date night in at of itself! Just pair this DIY activity with snacks, wine and mood music.
- Wooden craft sticks
- Sharpie markers
- Mason jar
And, if decorating…
- Ribbon, glitter, buttons, stickers, paper or other desired decorations
- Glue
- Scissors

STEP 1. Write a different date night idea on each craft stick.
STEP 2. Toss customized sticks into the jar.
STEP 3. When date night rolls around, reach into the jar to retrieve a stick and reveal your creative date night experience. It couldn’t be easier… the planning is taken care of!
Customize your date night ideas to suit your collective interests, but don’t be afraid to put in options that may be a little outside of your norm too. You may discover a fun new hobby, or learn something new about each other. Here are 20 creative date night ideas:
- Make dinner together, and toss a blanket on the floor or outside for picnic-style.
- Pour some cocktails and play a board game.
- Go for a late night stroll around the neighborhood.
- Have a wedding slideshow or video viewing and look for things you’ve never noticed before.
- Pull out the kid’s puzzles and have a race to see who can finish first.
- Recreate your first date, including the pick-up and drop-off.
- Toss a blanket on the lawn and stargaze.
- Go for ice cream and order a totally random flavor for each other.
- Create your own bucket list for the upcoming year.
- Visit a new restaurant and order for each other.
- Download a crossword puzzle and try to solve it together.
- Attend a local sporting event (little league totally counts).
- Pop corn and cozy up for a movie night at home.
- Take a drive and park somewhere secluded to watch the sunset… or do something else (wink wink).
- Visit a local attraction and take nothing but selfies.
- Go mini-golfing or bowling and use the opposite hand to play!
- Visit the local bookstore and read interesting back covers to each other.
- Go for a couples massage or his and her pedicures.
- Find a paint night party to attend together.
- Hop on bikes and cruise around town or the local trails.
Need more ideas? Reference our 105 Fun Date Night Ideas article!

While being spontaneous is a great way to fire up the fun on date night, we know it’s not always practical. There might be a budget to stick to or the need to call in a babysitter, for example. So we love the idea of divvying up your dates into categories. Here are ways:
- No Bucks vs. Low Bucks vs. Big Bucks
- Stay at home vs. Sign up the sitter
- Spend a little vs. Spend a lot
- On the fly vs. Plan ahead
- His ideas vs. Her ideas
You get the idea… As you can see you can create any combination of categories that make sense for you two. If you decide to go this route, color code your categories so picking the appropriate date night will be even easier.

One option is to use colored craft sticks that you can pick up at your local art supply or dollar store. You can then assign one color per category, for example: No Bucks = Red; Low Bucks = Yellow; Big Bucks = Green.
Alternatively, if you only have plain craft sticks, write your date night ideas in different colored markers for the corresponding category. Then, create a simple label for the front of your jar so you know which category you’re picking from.
While we would all love to assume our partner would be just as excited to partake in a partner yoga class as we are, hitting the local batting cages might be more their speed. When brainstorming date night ideas, remember to include both of your interests. Maybe prepare the date night jar together so you each write fun ideas; or, if crafting the date night jar as a surprise, include options you’ll both love.
If mason jars and craft sticks aren’t your jam, feel free to let your creative flag fly…
- Go with folded pieces of paper in different colors for his and her date night ideas.
- Or what about a box full of tiny envelops with notecards tucked inside? You can order this style ready to go from LoveMessagesXO on Etsy.
- Or use a printable date night deck of cards (from Play.Party.Plan) and shuffle them up for a completely random date night deal.
- Maybe just order a tin full of date night sticks from

The possibilities are limitless! So have fun with it and make it your own. Wouldn’t a date night jar make a great gift idea for your partner’s birthday or the upcoming holidays? Just saying.
Happy crafting!
Feature photo credit: Personal Creations
Angela Long is a freelance writer and lifestyle blogger who shares her love of design and DIY inspiration at Angela is a proud momma to three littles and is raising her tribe with her husband in Brooklin, Ontario. And after ten years of marriage, she admits they’re still working on making date night a regular habit!