The friendship dating game is pretty similar to the traditional dating game of seeking a romantic partner. And it can be especially tricky, yet essential, during certain periods of life when true friendships matter most. For example, being a new mom can be a lonely time despite, of course, having your newborn for company 24/7. If your partner is working full-time, you may feel lonely and be craving meaningful adult connections. Date Night Guide is pleased to offer tips on finding your ideal friend soulmates — i.e. your mom tribe, gal pals and, ultimately, lifelong BFFs — and you don’t have to settle on “the one.”
Get out of the House
While it can be difficult to get organized to get ready in the morning with a new baby, it’s important to get out and about. You won’t meet friends if you don’t leave the house! It doesn’t matter if you don’t have time to put on your makeup – as long as you’re washed (or appear to be!) and dressed, then get out there and start socializing with potential friends. You never know who you’ll meet at the coffee shop, the library or anywhere for that matter.
Tinder for Moms
Finding your new mom crew is a lot like dating. We all know about Tinder (and other dating apps), but few moms realize there is a very similar app, called Peanut, which can be used for meeting new mommy friends. By inputting information such as how many kids you have and what you are looking for, the app will match you with like-minded moms in your local area. Yes to simplicity! This is a great option for those who are not sure how to meet new people, or for those who are a bit shy about striking up conversations.

PurelyPersonalized (via Etsy)
Find ‘Playgroups Near Me’
A quick Google search for local baby/toddler and/or mommy groups is sure to bring up a load of options. You can also try searching for local Facebook groups (which worked for our Date Night Guide managing editor, Nancy), or Similar to the nervousness of a first date or blind date, the first time joining a mommy meet-up can be intimidating, but don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation as it’s likely there are other moms in attendance feeling exactly the same way.
If you don’t fancy the thought of a playgroup, why not see if there are more organized activities you can take your baby to (and use as a friendship dating opportunity)? There might be a library session, mommy/baby boot camp, music or singing class, baby yoga or a messy play or arts and crafts group. If there isn’t, start one!
Agree to Playdates
If you meet a new person and she invites you to a playdate or activity, say yes! It might be a scary thought at first, but maybe you’ll end up hitting it off. Remember, it really is just like dating – nervewracking at first but worth it in the end.

Accept that Some Friendships Just Don’t Work
Just like romantic relationships, not all friendships were meant to be. So, just like when dating potential lovers, it’s fine to cut your losses and move on to find other gal pals. Perhaps a new friend is always ‘too busy to meet up’ or you are putting in all the effort for nothing in return. If you feel a friendship isn’t working, restart your friendship dating tactics to find better pals. And here’s the good news: Unlike the monogamy of most romantic relationships, you don’t have to settle on finding “the one.” You can have many friend soulmates!
Feature image credit: Psychology Today
About the Author: Emily Dick is a writer and blogger who is currently working on a new parenting website, Whooops-a-Daisy, which aims to tell parents about the latest and greatest products and toys for children of all ages. Emily recently graduated with a degree in social science, but is now focusing on growing her website. She lives in the UK with her toddler daughter, Daisy, as well as a growing collection of cats.